Reportage: On (your) body by Valeria Pierini


Valeria Pierini (1984) was born in Assisi, Italy and lives in Bastia Umbra. Her works were featured in many collective and solo exhibitions in Italy and won several awards. She also organizes photography workshops and contributes to printed and web magazines. Her On (your) body project is a sneak preview for Fluster Magazine. Text and images by Valeria Pierini … Continue reading

On the Spot: Giulia Mei


Giulia Mei was born in Liguria (Italy). Her passion for photography was born suddenly, because of a very painful experience, she found that the only way to express and metabolize that tangle of feelings, absences and anxiety was photographing and especially photographing herself. Thus she realized a series of self-portraits that she would define psychoanalysis. In her … Continue reading

On the Spot: Chiara Baragatti

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Chiara Baragatti is an Italian photographer based in Tuscany, with a passion for analogic – digital photography and darkroom since she was younger. She is 33 years old, and she is a social assistant. She likes thinking that photography takes shape together to her being, to her way of thinking. Photography as an expression of the soul, … Continue reading

ISO600- Instant Photography Festival

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One thing we always believed in here at Fluster Magazine is that film is not dead and we are very  happy to partner with ISO600- Instant Photography Festival now at its second edition! Shows! Workshops! Meetings with authors! Seminars! Portfolio Reading! Temporary Polaroid Museum! Performances! Contests and much more will be brought to you at … Continue reading

Showcase: Irene Gittarelli


Irene Gittarelli è nata a Torino nel 1991 e attualmente vive nei suoi pressi. Frequenta l’Accademia Albertina delle belle arti di Torino, indirizzo “Progettazione artistica per l’impresa”. Sviluppa la passione per la fotografia a partire dal 2005, all’inizio occupandosi di sessioni fotografiche a gruppi musicali, copertine per cd e fotografie a concerti. Alcune esperienze della sua vita la portano poi … Continue reading

Showcase: Claudia Moroni


Claudia Moroni was born in Rome the day that Chernobyl’s radioactive fallout reached the city and, in spite of her mother’s worries that she would grow an extra arm, she is a “normal” 6ft tall girl who looks anything but Italian. Currently she lives in London, where she works as a freelance photographer and assistant. … Continue reading

Showcase: Cecilia Bianchi


Cecilia Bianchi è nata a Como, si è poi spostata a Torino per una manciata di anni sufficienti a “svegliarle la vita”. Attualmente vive sospesa nella capitale come dogsitter e dogwalker a tempo pieno, forse pronta a muoversi di nuovo, forse no.   Interviewed by Chiara Costantino   Ciao Cecilia! Parlaci di quando hai iniziato … Continue reading

Showcase: Giorgia Napoletano

Addio Minore

Giorgia Napoletano è nata a Pescara nel 1991 e attualmente studia Ingegneria delle Costruzioni. Le piace fare molta attenzione ai piccoli dettagli: osserva accuratamente la sua vita e prova a descriverla attraverso i suoi lavori. Si definisce “immaginazione allo stato solido”. Intervistata da Chiara Costantino     Ciao Giorgia! Quando hai iniziato a fare fotografie … Continue reading

On the Spot: Valentina Vortice


by Chiara Costantino   Valentina [V.]ORTICE. is a 20 years old student from Cagliari (Sardinia). She started shooting by chance: she adores travelling and since she was a child, because her mother did not like to take pictures during their holidays,  Valentina had to take them. At first those pictures were just souvenir photos, but … Continue reading

Showcase: Mariella Amabili aka MarιLəBοᴎe(s)


Showcase: Mariella Amabili aka MarιLəBοᴎe(s) Meet Mariella Amabili aka MarιLəBοᴎe(s), one of the most interesting, intriguing and mysterious young photographers that Fluster Magazine has ever met. Mariella is becoming increasingly popular in the major photography communities on the internet and we are sure we’ll hear more about her in the future. “50% alien, 30% ghost, 20% … Continue reading
