BOOK REVIEW: Music for torching by A.M.Homes


MUSIC FOR TORCHING by A.M.Homes Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for italian translation] At first I wasn’t sure about this book. I took it in one of my trip to the library, I usually come aout with four or five books, one month of time to read them and a painful shoulder for the … Continue reading

Ben Aaronovitch: A magic London


Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli   If you want to read the books of Ben Aaronovitch, it’s better if you buy all of them because when you finish one, you will have to read the next one. Rivers of London takes you in a little bit different version of our … Continue reading

ISO600- Instant Photography Festival

Logo ISO600

One thing we always believed in here at Fluster Magazine is that film is not dead and we are very  happy to partner with ISO600- Instant Photography Festival now at its second edition! Shows! Workshops! Meetings with authors! Seminars! Portfolio Reading! Temporary Polaroid Museum! Performances! Contests and much more will be brought to you at … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: Punto Omega (Point Omega) by Don DeLillo


Punto Omega (Point Omega) di Don DeLillo Recensione scritta da Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for english translation] Don Delillo in generale e il primo capitolo dell’ultimo libro, Punto Omega, è l’esempio perfetto di come un libro non debba contenere paroloni difficili, che sembrano usciti dal dizionario della lingua dell’Ottocento, per essere un buon libro. Te … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: Uccellino del Paradiso (Little Bird of Heaven) by JOYCE CAROL OATES


Uccellino del Paradiso (Little Bird of Heaven) di Joyce Carol Oates Recensione scritta da Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for english translation] Joyce Carol Oates fa parte di quel gruppo di scrittori contemporanei di cui aspetto con ansia l’uscita del nuovo libro. Proprio in questi giorni è stata pubblicata anche in Italia la sua ultima opera. … Continue reading

Book Review: Croatian Nights – A Festival of Alternative Literature – Various Authors


Croatian Nights – A Festival of Alternative Literature Various Authors Reviewed by Annalisa King This is a marvellous collection of short stories. Sex and alcohol are mixed in with a splash of violence and a good helping of humour. All this creates a delicious cocktail of weird and wonderful stories set in or about Croatia. A mixture of British … Continue reading
