Illustration & Design: Adam Doyle


From England  to the US, from Loaded to Fluster Magazine…meet Adam Boyle!   Hi Adam, where are you now and what`s the weather like? I am on Cape Cod and it’s boiling hot! And I am COVERD in bug bites. I’m about 30 miles away from where Jaws was filmed. So there is absolutely no … Continue reading

Interview: La Brigada Grafica


Meet La Brigada Grafica (The Graphic Brigade), a group of  Spanish  graphic creatives who joined forces to make the diffusion of their work easier. What is “La Brigada Grafica” (LBG)  and who is  the brigade ? We’re a group of creatives (freelance) who joined together in order to make easier to share their artwork, collaborate … Continue reading

Illustrations & Design: Adam Proust


Meet Adam Proust, “Surreal Shapist” from Vancouver, Canada Who is Adam Proust? Tell us a bit about your background. I was born May 1st 1986, in Vancouver, Canada.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a need to create.  I was that kid who was always making up stories and drawing, the … Continue reading

Design & Illustration: Willy Ollero

the jester of the kingdom

Willy Ollero, although her name might be misleading, is a 30 year old female spanish architect from Madrid, Spain. When did you start  drawing? I started drawing very young… I can´t even remember… my grandfather always gave me material, scketchbooks, watercolours, pencils… When I started studying architecture, I failed a subject called “Drawing” for 5 … Continue reading

Design & Illustration: Natalie Clapp


Natalie Clapp is a talented artist from Frederick (USA). Her series “Southern`s finest” offers an original interpretation of people portraits, beware… Who is Natalie Clapp? Tell us a bit about your background. Well, my mother is an artist, her mother was and artist, so I guess it was fate that I was to be so … Continue reading

Comics & Illustration: Grickle by Graham Annable


Graham Annable began doodling at an early age and has never stopped. His work has appeared in the film, TV, video game and comic industries. He has contributed to projects with George Lucas, Chuck Jones, Nickelodeon and Walt Disney Productions. His first published comic effort, Grickle, was nominated for a 2001 Harvey Award for Best … Continue reading

Design & Illustration: Daniele Barillari


Daniele Barillari was born in Genoa (Italy) in 1978, graduated in Architecture, he is currently living & working between Milan and Genoa.  Since 2004 he has been collaborating with some the important architectural studies in Milan, while participating in some competitions of ideas for young architects nationally and internationally, has been mentioned in the ninth … Continue reading

Comics: Frostovision


Reg and Frost live in the urban wilds of Wisconsin where they attempt to collaborate and create art. They live together and contrary to popular belief, are not actually dating. They are both 25 years old and love such things as British television and comic books though Frost loves Marvel and Reg has been inducted … Continue reading

Design: Alessandro Ardy

Night and Day

Alessandro Ardy è nato nel Novecento a Genova dove tuttora risiede e lavora. Diplomato  al liceo artistico, lavora  presso la Essedi Edizioni, serigrafia d’arte, che ha al suo attivo collaborazioni con nomi del calibro di Spiegelman, Glaser, Loustal, Crepax, Altan, Luzzati, Costantini, Echaurren, Nespolo e molti altri. Per Alessandro lavorare in una “bottega d’arte”, cercando … Continue reading

Design: “CUTS” by Kotryna Zukauskaite


“CUTS! but its so hard to resist.. Can you cut down on coffee? partying? reading? or.. shower time?? CUTS is a print series inspired by info graphics and stuff that takes a big chunk of personal budget but are very hard to resist.. what would you sacrifice?” K.Z. Whilst the global economic crisis has affected … Continue reading
