Book Review: The shock of the fall by Nathan Filer

chiedi alla luna

The shock of the fall by Nathan Filer [per la versione italiana andate giù] Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli This is my life. I’m nineteen years old, and the only thing I have any control over in my entire world is the way I choose to tell this story. So I’m hardly going to fuck about. … Continue reading

Book Review: Expo 58 by Jonathan Coe

expo 58 jonathan coe

Expo 58 by Jonathan Coe [per la versione italiana andate giù] Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli I have a strange relationship with Jonathan Coe. The first time I read one of his books I didn’t like it so much, it was The Rotters’ Club, it was January of 2006 and I was living a very bad … Continue reading

The fault in our stars by John Green


[TRADUZIONE IN ITALIANO IN BASSO] Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli The fault in our stars is the latest book . Until last week I wouldn’t have read his books. I can’t tell the real reason why, maybe I was afraid to find out just another lousy american writer. I read reviews about this last work, I … Continue reading

Fluster Magazine exclusive interview with Jeremiah Kipp


Meet movie director Jeremiah Kipp, considered by many to be a  Cult Filmmakers You Should Know , we definitely think he is a Cult Filmmakers You  MUST Not Miss! Interviewed by Giulia Bertelli – Hi Jeremiah, when and how did you start to direct movies? I was twelve years old, and my grandparents bought a camcorder to shoot … Continue reading

Cinema: Extreme Jukebox


– “A little town is in shock after a series of murders, maybe related to the finding of an LP presumed to be cursed. Jessie Cake, an increasingly popular heavy metal singer, and his girlfriend Chloe will have to face trouble bigger than what they thought…” And that was what  all the world  knew  about … Continue reading

Le vie del cinema: Locarno e Venezia 2012.


[scroll down for English translation] Anche quest’anno è finita la rassegna che porta qui a Milano i film della Biennale di Venezia e di Locarno. Purtroppo non vengono proiettati tutti i film e in più, per ovvi motivi di spazio-tempo, ognuno deve fare delle scelte. A volte va bene e altre volte va male, è … Continue reading

Showcase: Patty Maher

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Patty Maher is a fine art and conceptual photographer located in a small forest just outside of Toronto, Canada. ” My favourite place to create is somewhere in the line that separates reality  from the purely magical. I see what is there, and then I try to imagine what could be there – what story … Continue reading

Showcase: Julia Yellow


Julia Yellow is a talented illustrator currently living in Savannah, Georgia (USA) and will be graduating soon from Savannah College of Art & design with a B.F.A. in illustration. She is often asked rather if her last name is real and she will always says yes.  Her last name in Chinese is pronounced as “Huang” … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: Punto Omega (Point Omega) by Don DeLillo


Punto Omega (Point Omega) di Don DeLillo Recensione scritta da Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for english translation] Don Delillo in generale e il primo capitolo dell’ultimo libro, Punto Omega, è l’esempio perfetto di come un libro non debba contenere paroloni difficili, che sembrano usciti dal dizionario della lingua dell’Ottocento, per essere un buon libro. Te … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: Uccellino del Paradiso (Little Bird of Heaven) by JOYCE CAROL OATES


Uccellino del Paradiso (Little Bird of Heaven) di Joyce Carol Oates Recensione scritta da Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for english translation] Joyce Carol Oates fa parte di quel gruppo di scrittori contemporanei di cui aspetto con ansia l’uscita del nuovo libro. Proprio in questi giorni è stata pubblicata anche in Italia la sua ultima opera. … Continue reading
