SWAPPA: The Winners and The Photobook!

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Finally we made it! SWAPPA Photo Contest has been running through most of the summer and autumn involving 200 photographers from 32 different countries for a total of more than 2000 photos received! Lets cut to the chase, the wait has been way too long! The winner of a Lomography Diana Mini sponsored by Lomography … Continue reading

SWAPPA: Shoot, Swap and Win!


It has been almost a year since “Tell Me A Tale” competition and we thought it was time for a new contest and again it will be involving people from all over the world so it is now time for… – SWAPPA: Shoot, Swap and Win! – – What is it? Swappa is an analogue … Continue reading

Showcase: Pretty In Mad

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Pretty In Mad: film adventures. Her motto is “cats and cameras. What else?”. I say: rolls, a lot of rolls, experiments and poppy fields. – Interview by Giulia Bertelli [Traduzione in italiano in basso] Hi Pretty in Mad, I’m going to admit something right away: I’ve been following your adventures around the web for a … Continue reading

“Tell Us A Tale” – Short Story Competition


Do you want to know how the competition ended? Click here – And this is how it started… Tell Us A Tale… – If there is one thing we love here at Fluster Magazine, it’s discovering creative talent and sharing it with the world! That is why we are organising a Short Story Competition. Not only will … Continue reading
