Reportage: The Indignados by Joey Panetta

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– The Indignados Photos and text by Joey Panetta –As we currently find ourselves in the midst of a global economic and social tail spin, I’d like to focus on a group of people that have adopted the name, The Spanish Indignados.   Like the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), the Indignados were brought together in … Continue reading

Reportage: We are here

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Text and photographs © by Fiona Essex [Scroll down for Italian translation]  People coming together on our streets to protest peacefully – to protest against the cuts that the government is pushing forward with. To protest against greed. And to protest to keep our public services. It’s been happening all over the country, all over the world … Continue reading

Reportage: March Against Rape – Beirut (Lebanon) by Rachel Partamian


March Against Rape – Beirut (Lebanon) Photos and text by Rachel Partamian [Traduzione in Italiano in basso] Lebanon is a country which does not criminalize sexual harassment and rape in all it’s forms. On January 14 2012 , men and women decided to go to the streets to call the government to decide on laws … Continue reading

Reportage: A Tibetan Protest


A Tibetan Protest by Joey Panetta [scroll down for italian version] While photographing my way through India a few years back, I stopped off in the small mountain village of Dharamsala, in Himachal Pradesh. I anticipated some great photo opportunities here as this was the home town of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government … Continue reading
