Showcase: Agent X

Agent-X Golden-Girlz

Raised in the state of Kentucky in the United States of America and Connecticut, Agent X’s artwork has been exhibited in London, Spain, Los Angeles, and New York City. He studied art in New Haven, Vancouver and Atlanta, and was a semi-finalist in the New York Art Marathon (2011). Agent X currently lives and works … Continue reading

On the Spot: Jessica Donnellan


Jessica Donnellan was born in Brooklyn, New York twenty years ago. Her love for art began at a very young age.  She grew up surrounded by artists, allowing her to become exposed to  many different mediums of art.  At the age of eleven she received her first camera though, and was instantly hooked.  For her, … Continue reading

Showcase: Sean Cleary


Sean Cleary is an illustrator from Queens, New York who works mainly in traditional pen and ink with watercolor washes. His work can be found over at Sparrow Canyon Illustrations.  Interviewed by Chiara Costantino   [Traduzione in italiano in basso]  Hi Sean! How did you start drawing?  All those margins in my school notebooks just called … Continue reading

Showcase: Luisa Montalto

plume-blue copertina

Intervista di Giulia Bertelli [Scroll down for English translation] Hai vissuto in città diverse, ma qual è quella che più ti è rimasta nel cuore? Qual è quella in cui vedresti ambientato il film della tua vita? Parigi, senza alcun dubbio, perché romantica, intensa e malinconica… La mia malattia più grave, temo sia il romanticismo, … Continue reading

On the Spot: RJ Russo


by Chiara Costantino RJ Russo is 27 year old creative enthusiast born in Staten Island, New York and raised in New Jersey. He did his bachelors in studio art where he took his first course in digital photography. After undergrad he went on to gain his master’s in graphic communications by age 23. RJ appreciates … Continue reading



Showcase: Maren Becker Maren Becker is a former law student and now media designer by profession, living in Southern Germany.  Where are you now and what’s the weather like? I am at home in Germany, and it is a crisp cold but sunny winter day. What is photography for you? When did you start? Taking … Continue reading

Reportage: Nowhere In Israel


Nowhere In Israel by Jenna Gang [Traduzione in Italiano in basso] – I first visited Israel in 2010 and fell in love with its sunlight. Back in America, I continually  thought of when I would return. Each night I imagined the rustling waves of the Mediterranean Sea to help me fall asleep.  I wanted to … Continue reading

Showcase: Sarah Rosado


Showcase: Sarah Rosado Interview By Giulia Bertelli Sarah Rosado was born in New York City and grew up there ALL her life.  She come from a family with artistic abilities. Her father  was a musician, her aunt, uncle, cousins are also artists. At a very young age she developed a knack for drawing.  She was the … Continue reading

Showcase: Ben Mortimer


There is no better way to  introduce this artist than letting him speak by himself. Ladies & Gentlemen: BEN MORTIMER ! Benjamin Mortimer is a photographer & builder living in Brooklyn: He started off building the stupidest bikes in the world for Black Label Bicycle Club in an obvious attempt to hurt his friends: This … Continue reading
