On the Spot: Juliana Soares


Juliana Soares was born in 1988  she is currently living in São Sebastião, São Paulo (Brasil) an inspiring and peaceful beach townwhere she grew up. Juliana considers herself as an eclectic person: she studied cinema at university where she got in touch with different forms of arts. She is involved with  several  photography and design projects especially social … Continue reading

On the Spot: Josefine Jönsson


Josefine Jönsson is 22 years old fashion and alternative photographer based in Sweden, Stockholm. She began photographing in the beginning of 2006 as she wanted to focus on something else than traditional drawing. Her style has changed a lot during these six years, but it still reminds her about dreams and memories where she can … Continue reading

On the Spot: Veronica Codignoni


Veronica Codignoni, aka ContessaNera photography, 22 anni,  si sta laureando in Traduzione specializzata. Ama le storie, i miti, gli universi letterari, la musica e il colore rosso. Fotografa per mostrare la bellezza che non si vede e i mille mondi nascosti dietro i visi che indossiamo tutti i giorni. La sua fotografia ritrae persone comuni in ambienti … Continue reading

Showcase: Cristina Venedict

i take care of my heart

Cristina Venedict was born on July 19, 1981 in Botosani, Romania, she has a degree in psychology and has completed a high school art. Her works have been shown in solo and group exhibitions in Romania, Poland and London. Her works speak of a dream world, a world where everything is possible and “unusual” real life … Continue reading

Dream, Love, Cure: Skate4Cancer


Dream, Love, Cure: Skate4Cancer by Polona Brajkovec – Skate4Cancer was founded by Rob Dyer, who lost his mother, both grandmothers and a best friend to cancer. After he lost his mother, he couldn’t just sit around anymore and watch his loved ones being taken away by something as terrible as cancer. He knew he had … Continue reading
