FLUSTER MAGAZINE 2015 Calendar is out and it is FREE for all our readers!!!

FLUSTER MAGAZINE 2015 Calendar is out and it is FREE for all Fluster Magazine readers!!! To preview the calendar click on the picture above – Per vedere un`anteprima, clicca sulla foto. – You can download Fluster Magazine 2015 Calendar FOR FREE clicking HERE! – Scarica Fluster Magazine 2015 Calendar GRATIS clicca QUI! — Fluster Magazine 2015 Calendar … Continue reading

On the Spot: Kristina Muñoz


Kristina Muñoz is a 27-years-old Children illustrator from Seville (Spain) and currently resides in the United Kingdom. She was always fascinated by Classic tales and the beautiful illustrations around them. Kristina followed her childhood ambition and studied Fine Arts, specialized in Painting. In 2009 she went to Rome to study her last year of Fine … Continue reading

On the Spot: Mai Haruno


Mai Haruno was born 1982 in Aichi (Japan) and works as a freelance illustrator and Artist there. As she was 13,  Mai met Shinzi Katoh, a commercial designer, who showed  her his works, and taught her how difficult and  worthwhile this kind of work is. Mai graduated at Kyoto City University of Arts. She loves drawing something … Continue reading

On the Spot: Chris Collins


Chris Collins is a freelance artist whom makes his living doing creative projects and helping other people and business to be more creative. He has a number of projects including the Nonsense Society (an arts blog), Indie Music Box (royalty-free music), Today I Evolve (zen and growth), and Nonsense Thoughts (art/comics!) . Through comics, music, … Continue reading

Showcase: Gabriella Cleuren


Gabriella Cleuren (1942, Kleine-Spouwen, Belgium) studied Nordic Art and Music at the University of Oslo, Norway, studied  painting and drawing at the Academy in Hasselt, Belgium, and painting, drawing, and sculpture at the Academy in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium. Besides her native Belgium, Gabriella has resided in the Dutch Antilles. Norway, and in Germany. These places are … Continue reading

Showcase: Agent X

Agent-X Golden-Girlz

Raised in the state of Kentucky in the United States of America and Connecticut, Agent X’s artwork has been exhibited in London, Spain, Los Angeles, and New York City. He studied art in New Haven, Vancouver and Atlanta, and was a semi-finalist in the New York Art Marathon (2011). Agent X currently lives and works … Continue reading

Showcase: Licia Battarra


Licia Battarra è nata a Bologna nel 1976. Fin da quando era bambina, le è sempre piaciuto tantissimo disegnare. Crescendo, e manifestando una certa inclinazione, ha deciso di studiare seriamente disegno e pittura. A 14 anni, si è iscritta al Liceo Artistico di Bologna. Ha frequentato in seguito una scuola di restauro, per poi lavorare … Continue reading

Showcase: Bill Carman


Meet Bill Carman and his surreal work! Bill has a BFA in visual communication and an MFA in painting. He is a professor of illustration and drawing based in Boise , Idaho (USA). – -Who is Bill Carman? Tell us about yourself I walked into a local Stinker (yes real name) gas station and convenience … Continue reading

Showcase: Beatrice Bencivenni

biglietto natale

Beatrice Bencivenni è nata e cresciuta in provincia di Bologna, già da piccola col pallino per il disegno e gli animali. Credeva di voler fare il veterinario, fin quando una professoressa di latino non le ha fatto cambiare idea. Si è laureata presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna,  frequentando un corso in Fumetto e Illustrazione con … Continue reading

Showcase: Davide Battaglia

Edo Style (The Italian Incident)

Davide Battaglia nasce a Genova nel 1982. Si laurea all’Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti. Parallelamente agli studi comincia l’attività di pittore e illustratore. Nel 2007 vince il Primo Premio Arti Visive al CercaTalenti di Genova e lavora come assistente pittore di scena sul set del film “Giorni e Nuvole” di Silvio Soldini. L’anno dopo si … Continue reading
