Showcase: Liat Aharoni

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  Liat Aharoni graduated in political science at the University of Toronto; this helped her to explore issues related to womanhood, struggle and identity. She is a self-taught photographer who seeks to elevate these narratives into surreal and fictional imagery. Liat’s work aims to portray the concept of balance in life, between the grotesque and beautiful. It is both celebratory and … Continue reading

How to Start in Stand-Up Comedy by Chris MacLean


How to Start in Stand-Up Comedy: A Guide to Becoming a Comedian in Toronto is the first and only Canadian book about starting in stand-up comedy. It recently won the gold medal for humour and silver medal for best design non-fiction at the Next Generation Indie Book Awards held in New York. We interviewed the … Continue reading

Reportage: The Indignados by Joey Panetta

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– The Indignados Photos and text by Joey Panetta –As we currently find ourselves in the midst of a global economic and social tail spin, I’d like to focus on a group of people that have adopted the name, The Spanish Indignados.   Like the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), the Indignados were brought together in … Continue reading

Ned & Larry’s 1st book – ‘It’s Raining Food’


You have seen them swimming on our homepage for the last few months every day with a different story, and now Ned & Larry’s 1st book – ‘It’s Raining Food’ is  available on Amazon! Fluster Magazine, as a media partner, and host Charlotte Room will be presenting the Ned & Larry launch party this June … Continue reading
