Book Review: The shock of the fall by Nathan Filer

chiedi alla luna

The shock of the fall by Nathan Filer [per la versione italiana andate giù] Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli This is my life. I’m nineteen years old, and the only thing I have any control over in my entire world is the way I choose to tell this story. So I’m hardly going to fuck about. … Continue reading

Book Review: Expo 58 by Jonathan Coe

expo 58 jonathan coe

Expo 58 by Jonathan Coe [per la versione italiana andate giù] Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli I have a strange relationship with Jonathan Coe. The first time I read one of his books I didn’t like it so much, it was The Rotters’ Club, it was January of 2006 and I was living a very bad … Continue reading

Book Review: Moab is my Washpot by Stephen Fry

Moab is my Washpot by Stepehn Fry [per la versione italiana andate giù] Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli I finished this book about two weeks ago and for many different reason I find myself to write about it just now. This is a bit strange for me because I usually have to write down at least … Continue reading

Book Review: The curious incident of the dog in the night-time by Mark Haddon


The curious incident of the dog in the night-time by Mark Haddon [per la versione italiana andate giù] Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli For years I’ve been trying to stay away from this book. I usually don’t like stories about children, but there are exceptions, like Extremely loud and incredibly close by J.S.Foer that I loved … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: Music for torching by A.M.Homes


MUSIC FOR TORCHING by A.M.Homes Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for italian translation] At first I wasn’t sure about this book. I took it in one of my trip to the library, I usually come aout with four or five books, one month of time to read them and a painful shoulder for the … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: Swimming by Nicola Keegan

Swimming by Nicola Keegan    Review by Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for italian translation] This is the kind of book I would have wanted to write if I were a writer. Not much for the story, but for the writing Nicola Keegan has this kind of hurried writing. The words and the events flow smoothly … Continue reading


Sweet Dreams, a novel by Massimo Gramellini Review by Giulia Bertelli [Traduzione in italiano in basso] I often let myself go to prejudices that I build myself. It’s enough to take a book at the wrong time of the year, then I don’t give it the right attention and I end up putting in a … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: La Notte del Raduno (The Gathering Night) by Margaret Elphinstone

copertina libro

La Notte del Raduno (The Gathering Night) di Margaret Elphinstone Recensione scritta da Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for english translation] Quando mia cugina mi ha detto che libro stava leggendo ero scettica, ma incuriosita: si trattava di un libro ambientato nella preistoria. Ho iniziato a pensarci e mi chiedevo cosa potesse raccontare un libro così … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: Punto Omega (Point Omega) by Don DeLillo


Punto Omega (Point Omega) di Don DeLillo Recensione scritta da Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for english translation] Don Delillo in generale e il primo capitolo dell’ultimo libro, Punto Omega, è l’esempio perfetto di come un libro non debba contenere paroloni difficili, che sembrano usciti dal dizionario della lingua dell’Ottocento, per essere un buon libro. Te … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: Uccellino del Paradiso (Little Bird of Heaven) by JOYCE CAROL OATES


Uccellino del Paradiso (Little Bird of Heaven) di Joyce Carol Oates Recensione scritta da Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for english translation] Joyce Carol Oates fa parte di quel gruppo di scrittori contemporanei di cui aspetto con ansia l’uscita del nuovo libro. Proprio in questi giorni è stata pubblicata anche in Italia la sua ultima opera. … Continue reading
