Book Review: The shock of the fall by Nathan Filer

chiedi alla luna

The shock of the fall by Nathan Filer [per la versione italiana andate giù] Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli This is my life. I’m nineteen years old, and the only thing I have any control over in my entire world is the way I choose to tell this story. So I’m hardly going to fuck about. … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: Music for torching by A.M.Homes


MUSIC FOR TORCHING by A.M.Homes Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for italian translation] At first I wasn’t sure about this book. I took it in one of my trip to the library, I usually come aout with four or five books, one month of time to read them and a painful shoulder for the … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: Swimming by Nicola Keegan

Swimming by Nicola Keegan    Review by Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for italian translation] This is the kind of book I would have wanted to write if I were a writer. Not much for the story, but for the writing Nicola Keegan has this kind of hurried writing. The words and the events flow smoothly … Continue reading


Sweet Dreams, a novel by Massimo Gramellini Review by Giulia Bertelli [Traduzione in italiano in basso] I often let myself go to prejudices that I build myself. It’s enough to take a book at the wrong time of the year, then I don’t give it the right attention and I end up putting in a … Continue reading

The fault in our stars by John Green


[TRADUZIONE IN ITALIANO IN BASSO] Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli The fault in our stars is the latest book . Until last week I wouldn’t have read his books. I can’t tell the real reason why, maybe I was afraid to find out just another lousy american writer. I read reviews about this last work, I … Continue reading

Ben Aaronovitch: A magic London


Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli   If you want to read the books of Ben Aaronovitch, it’s better if you buy all of them because when you finish one, you will have to read the next one. Rivers of London takes you in a little bit different version of our … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: Le Ultime Cinque Ore (Player One) BY DOUGLAS COUPLAND


Le Ultime Cinque Ore (Player One) di Douglas Coupland Recensione scritta da Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for english translation] Dato che in Italia la gente sembra non capire, spesso si cambiano i titoli e che siano libri o film questo non importa. In questo caso la ISBN Edizioni ha fatto un lavoro ancora migliore: Player … Continue reading

Le vie del cinema: Locarno e Venezia 2012.


[scroll down for English translation] Anche quest’anno è finita la rassegna che porta qui a Milano i film della Biennale di Venezia e di Locarno. Purtroppo non vengono proiettati tutti i film e in più, per ovvi motivi di spazio-tempo, ognuno deve fare delle scelte. A volte va bene e altre volte va male, è … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: La Notte del Raduno (The Gathering Night) by Margaret Elphinstone

copertina libro

La Notte del Raduno (The Gathering Night) di Margaret Elphinstone Recensione scritta da Giulia Bertelli [scroll down for english translation] Quando mia cugina mi ha detto che libro stava leggendo ero scettica, ma incuriosita: si trattava di un libro ambientato nella preistoria. Ho iniziato a pensarci e mi chiedevo cosa potesse raccontare un libro così … Continue reading

BOOK REVIEW: 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami


1Q84 (1Q84) di Haruki Murakami Recensione scritta da Sabina Loizzo Quando ho terminato la lettura di 1Q84, molte sono state le domande che non hanno ricevuto risposta. E se un libro riesce a tenerti incollata alle sue pagine, conquistandoti a ogni capitolo sempre di più, nonostante tu abbia probabilmente capito solo la metà di quello … Continue reading
