On the Spot: Nanni Licitra

Nanni Licitra (12)

Nanni Licitra (25) lives in Bologna and is a university student who loves analog photography (medium size, 35mm, 110mm, instant). Always charmed by pictures of great bands of the past (Joy Division, The Stooge, Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground), which for him are much more realistic and, at the same time, more dreamlike than the modern … Continue reading

Pretty in Fluster Analog Selection – #0


-.- -.- -.- -.- Pretty In Fluster is an Analogue Selection by Pretty in Mad for Fluster Magazine. Follow the link to have a chance to be featured in the next selection Have you checked SWAPPA Photobook yet? 100% Analogue Photography from all over the World! Preview and buy it here You can read about … Continue reading

Cinema: introducing Marco Chiarini

M. Chiarini fischietti

In occasion of a small Film Festival dedicated to independent movies, I discover the Italian director Marco Chiarini (1974 Teramo, Abruzzo). We are all sat in the theater when he starts to introduce himself through his two works: the short film Omero Bello di Nonna and the movie L’Uomo Fiammifero, which at the David di … Continue reading

SWAPPA: The Winners and The Photobook!

cover swappa

Finally we made it! SWAPPA Photo Contest has been running through most of the summer and autumn involving 200 photographers from 32 different countries for a total of more than 2000 photos received! Lets cut to the chase, the wait has been way too long! The winner of a Lomography Diana Mini sponsored by Lomography … Continue reading

SWAPPA: Shoot, Swap and Win!


It has been almost a year since “Tell Me A Tale” competition and we thought it was time for a new contest and again it will be involving people from all over the world so it is now time for… – SWAPPA: Shoot, Swap and Win! – – What is it? Swappa is an analogue … Continue reading

Showcase: Pretty In Mad

SUNSET STRIP dishwashed by mustolina - pretty in mad 1

Pretty In Mad: film adventures. Her motto is “cats and cameras. What else?”. I say: rolls, a lot of rolls, experiments and poppy fields. – Interview by Giulia Bertelli [Traduzione in italiano in basso] Hi Pretty in Mad, I’m going to admit something right away: I’ve been following your adventures around the web for a … Continue reading

Fluster Magazine exclusive interview with Jeremiah Kipp


Meet movie director Jeremiah Kipp, considered by many to be a  Cult Filmmakers You Should Know , we definitely think he is a Cult Filmmakers You  MUST Not Miss! Interviewed by Giulia Bertelli – Hi Jeremiah, when and how did you start to direct movies? I was twelve years old, and my grandparents bought a camcorder to shoot … Continue reading

On the Spot: Valentina Vortice


by Chiara Costantino   Valentina [V.]ORTICE. is a 20 years old student from Cagliari (Sardinia). She started shooting by chance: she adores travelling and since she was a child, because her mother did not like to take pictures during their holidays,  Valentina had to take them. At first those pictures were just souvenir photos, but … Continue reading

Interview with Lamberto Bava


Interview with Lamberto Bava by Alberto Bogo Translated by Chiara Costantino Photos by Sonia Passarelli [Scorrere in basso per la traduzione in Italiano] Lamberto Bava is one of the most renowed Italian genre movie directors abroad. He has worked for both cinema and television, and among his most famous movies there are “Macabre” (1980), “Demons” … Continue reading

Showcase: Tobias Feltus

Violence Was Offered 3_3_6

Tobias Feltus was born in the USA of two figurative painters, Lani Irwin and Alan Feltus, he grew up in Assisi (Italy), in a countryside bubble, and have been living in Edinburgh (UK) for the past 12 years. He likes to cook and eat good food, drink good wine, and smoke fine tobacco. He obsess … Continue reading
