Reportage: Far from Heaven

Milena Fadda is a photojournalist from Sardinia (Italy). Through her reportage “Far from Heaven” she shows her personal opinion about the community she lives in. Text and pictures by Milena Fadda Edited by Chiara Costantino Sometimes, some places seem to live in an eternal fairy tale. That’s the misreading with the thin line which separates perception from real … Continue reading

Reportage: Depression Era

Eirini Vourloumis

“A project that transforms the Greek crisis into a global state of being” The Depression Era project is a collective of photographers, artists, researchers, writers, architects, journalists and curators formed in 2011, recording the Greek crisis through images and texts. It was originally inspired by the photographic program of the Farm Security Administration, which was … Continue reading

Reportage: Lineas Alienadas


María Callizo Monge (1992) was born in Zaragoza (Spain). She is currently living and working in Barcelona. As a visual and conceptual artist, her works have been exhibited and published on some magazines. Since she was a child she had always a camera in her hands, so she could portrait her world as her eyes saw it. She likes to … Continue reading

Reportage: 2011 Genoa Flooding


Alessandro Ciolini è nato e cresciuto a Firenze, poi si è trasferito ad Arezzo. Nei primi anni ’90 scattava fotografie per divertimento, con l’avvento della digitale ha iniziato a usarla per i suoi lavori di grafica. Adesso si è dedicato completamente alla fotografia. Testo e fotografie di Alessandro Ciolini [Scroll down for English translation] Genova … Continue reading

Reportage: Cheap Festival 2014


From the 1st to the 10th of May Bologna hosted the second edition of Cheap Festival, the festival of street poster art. Street artists, graphic designers, photographers and illustrators from all over the world brought city walls and notice boards to new life. written by Chiara Costantino   Cheap Festival gets planned and organized by … Continue reading

Reportage: On (your) body by Valeria Pierini


Valeria Pierini (1984) was born in Assisi, Italy and lives in Bastia Umbra. Her works were featured in many collective and solo exhibitions in Italy and won several awards. She also organizes photography workshops and contributes to printed and web magazines. Her On (your) body project is a sneak preview for Fluster Magazine. Text and images by Valeria Pierini … Continue reading

Reportage: SKG Metamorphosis by Marinos Tsagkarakis


 Marinos Tsagkarakis was born in island of Crete, in Southern Greece in 1984. At the age of 17 he moved to Thessaloniki and studied Economic Science, Business Administration in Finance and finally Information Systems. He works as an economic analyst and Deputy Director in an international non-profit organization for trade & exports. He started dealing … Continue reading

STOP PRESS: Video-reportage from Antalya Protests over the death of Berkin Elvan


Regular FM`s readers have already met our Correspondents From the World Cody and Giselle. They currently are in Turkey where they witnessed Turkish riot police firing tear gas and water cannon to disperse several hundred people protesting over the death of Berkin Elvan.  [traduzione in italiano in basso] Berkin Elvan, who has been in a … Continue reading

Reportage: Alexandria by Jean-Marc De Coninck


Alexandria: And this freedom? Photos and text by Jean-Marc De Coninck Egypt’s most occidental and second town, continues actively with the participation of evicting Mohamed Morsi, the in 2012 democratically elected president and founder of the party for Liberty and Justice (PJL) emerging from the Muslim Brotherhood. Alexandria, once housing one of world’s seven Wonders, … Continue reading

Reportage: Blow by Shan Bhattacharya


Shan Bhattacharya is a self-taught photographer based in Kolkata, India. His work has previously been published in many magazines and has been exhibited in Gallery Gold, Kolkata. He has self-published a book titled ’13’ in December, 2013. His work is mostly concerned about abandonment, decay, memory and detachment. Text and photos by Shan Bhattacharya Translated … Continue reading
