On the Spot: Rislaine B.


“My impulse photographically is closer to poetry than it is to essay writing” (Alec Soth in an interview at le Jeu de Paume, Paris). This is exactly how Rislaine B. would sum up her work.  Her first steps into Arts were through poetry that she began at the age of 12, and at 16 her first … Continue reading

Showcase: Agent X

Agent-X Golden-Girlz

Raised in the state of Kentucky in the United States of America and Connecticut, Agent X’s artwork has been exhibited in London, Spain, Los Angeles, and New York City. He studied art in New Haven, Vancouver and Atlanta, and was a semi-finalist in the New York Art Marathon (2011). Agent X currently lives and works … Continue reading

Showcase: Submerged Art by Hortense Le Calvez and Mathieu Goussin

Posidonia, brown bowl, 2013

Mathieu Goussin and Hortense Le Calvez form an artist duo dedicated to creating submerged art installation. They live and work on their 40 years old sailing boat in the Mediterranean.  Mathieu Goussin before taking part in this adventure worked ten year in the merchant navy laying fiber optic cable. Hortense studied fine art at the … Continue reading

Showcase: Licia Battarra


Licia Battarra è nata a Bologna nel 1976. Fin da quando era bambina, le è sempre piaciuto tantissimo disegnare. Crescendo, e manifestando una certa inclinazione, ha deciso di studiare seriamente disegno e pittura. A 14 anni, si è iscritta al Liceo Artistico di Bologna. Ha frequentato in seguito una scuola di restauro, per poi lavorare … Continue reading

Ben Aaronovitch: A magic London


Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch Reviewed by Giulia Bertelli   If you want to read the books of Ben Aaronovitch, it’s better if you buy all of them because when you finish one, you will have to read the next one. Rivers of London takes you in a little bit different version of our … Continue reading

Showcase: Mark Thompson


Mark Thompson (1972) was born in Great Britain. He studied at the Slade School of Fine Art (London) from 2003 until 2007. He currently lives and works in Germany. His works were exhibited in Germany, United Kingdom, USA, Norway and Lithuania. Interviewed by Chiara Costantino [Traduzione in italiano in basso]     Hi Mark! How … Continue reading

Showcase: Jevgenija Bitter


Jevgenija Bitter was born in Riga (Latvia) but she currently lives in London. In 2008 she studied Graphic Design at International Higher School of Practical Psychology and she is a photographer since 2007. Interviewed by Chiara Costantino   [Scroll down for Italian translation]  Hi Jevgenija! How did you come to photography? I was always attracted … Continue reading

Reportage: We are here

Fiona Essex08

Text and photographs © by Fiona Essex [Scroll down for Italian translation]  People coming together on our streets to protest peacefully – to protest against the cuts that the government is pushing forward with. To protest against greed. And to protest to keep our public services. It’s been happening all over the country, all over the world … Continue reading

Showcase: Claudia Moroni


Claudia Moroni was born in Rome the day that Chernobyl’s radioactive fallout reached the city and, in spite of her mother’s worries that she would grow an extra arm, she is a “normal” 6ft tall girl who looks anything but Italian. Currently she lives in London, where she works as a freelance photographer and assistant. … Continue reading

SHOWCASE: The lomo show by Stephen Akehurst


Meet  Stephen Akehurst and the lomo show! Hi Stephen! Where are you now and what`s the weather like? Hello Fluster! Right now I am sitting in my studio in Copenhagen. I’ve taken a personal record number of portraits this weekend of the Copenhagen Roller Derby leagues and I have hundreds of photos of beautiful, strong, … Continue reading
