STOP PRESS: Video-reportage from Antalya Protests over the death of Berkin Elvan


Regular FM`s readers have already met our Correspondents From the World Cody and Giselle. They currently are in Turkey where they witnessed Turkish riot police firing tear gas and water cannon to disperse several hundred people protesting over the death of Berkin Elvan.  [traduzione in italiano in basso] Berkin Elvan, who has been in a … Continue reading

Reportage: Phuket Vegetarian Festival by C. Kuchirka and G. Correia


Cody and Giselle are two vegan travel lovers and animal rights activists making their way around the globe volunteering at animal shelters and sanctuaries along the way. They hope to open minds, encourage free thought and start conversations about the state of animals around the world today.  Text and photos by Cody Kuchirka & Giselle … Continue reading

Reportage: The Dog Meat Trade


Cody and Giselle are two vegan travel lovers and animal rights activists making their way around the globe volunteering at animal shelters and sanctuaries along the way. They hope to open minds, encourage free thought and start conversations about the state of animals around the world today.  Text and photos by Cody Kuchirka & Giselle … Continue reading
