Cinema: Inside Llewin Davis


by Nicla Catano [traduzione in italiano in basso] I wanted to start in a different way but, when I carelessly decided to see what they said about this movie (normally I don’t do it to express my opinion without any other influences) I have been astonished. I had in mind clean photograms, a direct poetry … Continue reading

Cinema: La vie d’Adèle – why Blue is the warmest colour


A movie by Abdellatif Kechiche with Léa Seydoux and Adèle Exarchopoulos. Text and translation by Nicla Catano    [traduzione in italiano in basso] – I came across this movie while I was in New York. The English title “Blue is the Warmest Color”, conserves the meaning of French graphic novel’s title which has inspired it “ … Continue reading

Cinema: introducing Marco Chiarini

M. Chiarini fischietti

In occasion of a small Film Festival dedicated to independent movies, I discover the Italian director Marco Chiarini (1974 Teramo, Abruzzo). We are all sat in the theater when he starts to introduce himself through his two works: the short film Omero Bello di Nonna and the movie L’Uomo Fiammifero, which at the David di … Continue reading

Visual Poems by Sebastian Wesman


“Visual Poems” is a film project made by the team of composer and filmmaker Sebastian Wesman. The film is divided into seven visual poems that are all filmed in Tallinn, Estonia. “Visual Poems” is an ensemble of short cinematographic pieces which their author defines as haikus in image. Text by Andrus Keller [Traduzione in italiano in … Continue reading

Showcase: Davide Battaglia

Edo Style (The Italian Incident)

Davide Battaglia nasce a Genova nel 1982. Si laurea all’Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti. Parallelamente agli studi comincia l’attività di pittore e illustratore. Nel 2007 vince il Primo Premio Arti Visive al CercaTalenti di Genova e lavora come assistente pittore di scena sul set del film “Giorni e Nuvole” di Silvio Soldini. L’anno dopo si … Continue reading

Fluster Magazine exclusive interview with Jeremiah Kipp


Meet movie director Jeremiah Kipp, considered by many to be a  Cult Filmmakers You Should Know , we definitely think he is a Cult Filmmakers You  MUST Not Miss! Interviewed by Giulia Bertelli – Hi Jeremiah, when and how did you start to direct movies? I was twelve years old, and my grandparents bought a camcorder to shoot … Continue reading

Cinema: Extreme Jukebox


– “A little town is in shock after a series of murders, maybe related to the finding of an LP presumed to be cursed. Jessie Cake, an increasingly popular heavy metal singer, and his girlfriend Chloe will have to face trouble bigger than what they thought…” And that was what  all the world  knew  about … Continue reading

Le vie del cinema: Locarno e Venezia 2012.


[scroll down for English translation] Anche quest’anno è finita la rassegna che porta qui a Milano i film della Biennale di Venezia e di Locarno. Purtroppo non vengono proiettati tutti i film e in più, per ovvi motivi di spazio-tempo, ognuno deve fare delle scelte. A volte va bene e altre volte va male, è … Continue reading

Interview with Lamberto Bava


Interview with Lamberto Bava by Alberto Bogo Translated by Chiara Costantino Photos by Sonia Passarelli [Scorrere in basso per la traduzione in Italiano] Lamberto Bava is one of the most renowed Italian genre movie directors abroad. He has worked for both cinema and television, and among his most famous movies there are “Macabre” (1980), “Demons” … Continue reading

Review: Fantasy Horror Award 2011


FANTASY HORROR AWARD 2011 – Orvieto (IT)      (Scroll down for ENGLISH TRANSLATION) di Bogo Alberto Il Fantasy Horror Award é una manifestazione dedicata ai fan del mondo dell’horror e del fantastico giunta alla seconda edizione, organizzata dalla Funfactory Entertainment di Dario Gulli (figura poliedrica che ha lavorato per stampa, cinema e televisione) con la collaborazione … Continue reading
