STOP PRESS: Video-reportage from Antalya Protests over the death of Berkin Elvan

Regular FM`s readers have already met our Correspondents From the World Cody and Giselle. They currently are in Turkey where they witnessed Turkish riot police firing tear gas and water cannon to disperse several hundred people protesting over the death of Berkin Elvan.

 [traduzione in italiano in basso]

Berkin Elvan, who has been in a coma since June 2013 after being struck in the head by a gas canister during a police crackdown on protesters, died March 11, 2014.
The young teenager, the eighth person to be killed in the Gezi Park protests, went into a coma after sustaining a head injury from a gas canister as he went to buy bread during a police crackdown in Istanbul’s Okmeydanı neighborhood last June.
Several police officers were questioned about Berkin’s head injury but no-one was ever charged.

Text and video by Cody Kuchirka & Giselle Correia














You can read Cody & Giselle`s reportages for Fluster Magazine here and here.



I lettori abituali di Fluster Magazine conoscono già i nostri corrispondenti Cody e Giselle (Mindful Wanderlust). Al momento si trovano in Turchia, dove hanno assistito alle cariche della polizia, che con l’uso di gas lacrimogeni e idranti cerca di disperdere le centinaia di persone che protestano per l’assurda morte di Berkin Elvan.

Berkin Elvan , in coma dal giugno 2013 dopo essere stato colpito alla testa da un lacrimogeno durante un giro di vite della polizia sui manifestanti, è morto l’11 marzo 2014 . Il giovane adolescente, l’ottava persona ad essere stata uccisa nelle proteste al Gezi Park, è entrato in coma dopo aver subito una lesione alla testa da un lacrimogeno mentre andava a comprare il pane ad Istanbul, in zona Okmeydani lo scorso giugno. Nonostante diversi agenti di polizia siano stati interrogati riguardo il trauma cranico di Berkin, il responsabile non è mai stato identificato.

Testo e video di Cody Kuchirka & Giselle Correia




Cody and Giselle are two Canadian travel lovers and animal rights activists making their way around the globe volunteering at animal shelters and sanctuaries along the way. They hope to open minds, encourage free thought and start conversations about the state of animals around the world today.

2 Responses to “STOP PRESS: Video-reportage from Antalya Protests over the death of Berkin Elvan”
  1. says:

    Wow! This is pretty crazy stuff, thanks for filming and sharing for us all.

    • It was a pretty intense situation but I felt safe when I was with the protestors. They always made sure I was protected and out of the way from harm. They were telling me to “please share on social media and show the world how the Turkish police treat us” I have a lot more footage from the second day.

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